February 14, 2025

Dighton-Rehoboth Receives $10,000 Grant


The Dighton-Rehoboth Regional School District recently received a $10,000 grant from Bristol County Savings Bank’s charitable foundation for its Before &

After School Student Support Program.

“We are extremely grateful for the continued support from the Bank. Our team pursued these funds to help us meet more of the goals of the DRiving Toward 2030 Strategic Plan by empowering our most vulnerable

students and igniting progress on their path to success,” said D-R Superintendent Bill Runey.

Specifically, the grant for the Before & After School Student Support Program will assist students at Beckwith Middle School and Dighton Middle School who find the academic and social demands of the school day especially challenging. The program will focus on boosting students’ academic performance, fostering greater self-confidence and improving attendance rates, particularly among students who are chronically absent.

“We have had a long and rewarding partnership with the D-R Regional School District, supporting its Citizen Scholarship Foundation and High Five Club, among other initiatives,” said John Silva, President & Chief Banking Officer of Bristol County Savings Bank and President of the Bristol County Savings Charitable Foundation. “One of our Foundation’s areas of focus is education and literacy, so we were immediately drawn to the D-R student support program and wanted to do our part to help give all students the opportunity to thrive both academically and socially.” Silva added that the Bank provides its Financial Literacy programming, “Saving Makes Cents,” at Dighton-Rehoboth’s Beckwith and Palmer schools, as well.


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