February 13, 2025

It’s cold outside! This winter put yourself in their shoes or paws. Each winter, thousands of cats and dogs suffer and shiver in painfully cold weather because thoughtless pet owners …

We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to the Rehoboth community for its overwhelming support of the first annual Wreaths Across America event at the Rehoboth Village Cemetery on December 14, …

Be wise before winter. It won't know your needs. Or listen to hungry birds Crying for seed. There might be a fox, Out seeking mice. Both finding out, Winter's not nice. Don Gardner Seekonk

Their arms Seem thin, With humble Bends. Adorned With nothing. Greyness blends. They've earned Their time To be still. Slumbering. On frozen field. Don Gardner Seekonk

Do we Understand Our thanks? Given short, Or in great length? Given true, Or as to get? Knowing which Is counterfeit. Don Gardner Seekonk

Each school year, one of the more stressful times for my child is during MCAS testing. This is the longest and most intensive standardized test that students currently take. Throughout the school …

Crickets raid The silence Of the night. A cheering throng. Everything's alright . Soon frost Will take Their songs away. Soon frost will Make the Silence reign. Don Gardner Seekonk

I've seen flowers. Hopefully You have too. Fragile to The touch. Powerful to view. Each flower's Dignity Uniquely stands. Granpa gave grandma Pansies, Then asked To hold her hand. Don Gardner Seekonk

My name is John O’Donnell. I have lived in Rehoboth for 26 years. My wife & I love the town. On June 10th, my wife was spammed on our computer, merely by calling a phone number, that popped …

A steady breeze In summer. Tree branches Moved about, To wave leaves Much bigger, Than when They were Just sprouts. There was A sense of pride. There was A sense of show. Just like In the fall, When …

Hello from the Rehoboth Food Pantry! As we transition into summer, the food pantry is facing significant challenges moving into the summer and fall. The Rehoboth Food Pantry has been part of the …

On behalf of the Rehoboth Garden Club, I would like to thank everyone who made our recent Plant Sale Fundraiser such an overwhelming success. At 9 AM on May 4th, the Miller Pavilion at Francis Farm …

The Keep Rehoboth Beautiful Committee would like to thank everyone who participated in our 2024 Roadside Cleanup. Our community volunteers are a critical component to make the clean up successful. …

The big man At the Small parade Said "This!" He pointed often And said "This!" He pointed To the Horse and wagon. He pointed To the Paper dragon. He pointed To the High school band, Police car And …

To the Senior Citizens of Rehoboth, I have done a survey of my neighborhood, regarding rubbish pickup by WIN WASTE Innovations. I found that we are paying an exorbitant amount for rubbish …

The Rehoboth Conservation Commission submitted a Vernal Pool Protection Zone Bylaw article for the Annual Town Meeting this spring. On April 22 the Selectmen pulled the article from the Warrant. The …

Quiet realms Contain them. Untamed ones Need them too. Dancing like The gypsies. Nights with Moon in view. Hopes and dreams Are forming, Through every Tear and laugh. Worlds would Be desolate, …

At this year’s Town Meeting, you will be asked to vote on a Vernal Pool Bylaw that will ensure greater protection for these critical forms of wetland habitat. The establishment of a 100-foot …

While most editorials are about an issue and often a sign of discontent, I am moved to write a letter of praise. Ever since the new Rehoboth Highway Department Superintendent of Streets, Kevin Chace, …

Our regional school district faces tough challenges – a $2 million deficit, falling enrollment, and rising costs threaten our children's education. We need decisive leadership to find …

Active Town Volunteer: Chair the Personnel Board, Clerk for both the ZBA and Board of Human Services and Community Health, Rehoboth’s GATRA representative; election worker; previously Chair of …

I am writing to urge Rehoboth residents to vote for Richard Panofsky for Selectman. In the past ten years, Richard has worked in various capacities to make life better for our residents. He has …

We, the family of the late Robert McKenna, would like to thank everyone who came out in January for the 11th Annual Blood Drive held in his memory. In addition, we truly appreciate the support of the …

So many eyes Stare at the night. Sometimes stars Are in their sight. Sometimes darkness Is all that's shared. For night Tells us different stories, While we view Night's different glories. Thank you, …

My partner and I moved here in April of last year after falling in love with the area. We find the tranquil beauty of nature here to be inspiring and have enjoyed so much the opportunity to make new …

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