September 20, 2024

Riverside resident Carly Pereira Receives Scholarship CyberCorps: Scholarship for Service at WPI


The National Science Foundation funds a Scholarship for Service (SFS) program at WPI to grow the nation's pool of qualified cybersecurity workers. Full scholarships (including tuition, fees, and a monthly stipend) are awarded to students whose studies in computer science, electrical and computer engineering, or a related field are focused on cybersecurity. These scholars also receive support in deepening their understanding of security topics and obtaining jobs in the security field. In return for their funding, scholarship recipients work for the government in cybersecurity for summer internships and post-graduation employment. Their period of required service is equal to the number of years they received the scholarship.

Scholars work in a variety of agencies and positions, with options including forensics, network defense, research, and public policy. Scholars' commitment to public service is critical to the integrity of the program, both at WPI and nationally. They must also be willing to reside in the Washington, D.C. area, or another place outside of Massachusetts, for their government employment period. SFS alumni from WPI have taken jobs at the National Security Agency, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratory, and other eligible employers. Additional details are below.

Carly Pereira (BS ’21), Carly had a cybersecurity internship at Staples. We welcome Carly to our cohort!


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