February 15, 2025

Seekonk Food Waste Composting


Residents can create FREE nutrient rich soil to use in their gardens and yards by composting fruit & vegetable scraps, egg shells, coffee grinds and more in a compost pile in their backyards. See www.TreeHugger.com for helpful tips on getting started.

To be able to compost even more materials, including meat & bones, dairy, toothpicks and more, residents should consider commercial composting! The Seekonk Recycling Committee is partnering with Black Earth Compost to collect household food waste from Seekonk Residents, saving valuable resources from the trash and saving money as well. 20-50% of household trash is food waste!

How Can I Participate? There is a collection bin at the Transfer Station/TARF (351 Fall River Ave) You can visit anytime to deposit your household food waste. There are liners available-please only take what you need until your next visit. No plastic bags! See www.BlackEarthCompost.com for a full list of items. There are also a limited number of home compost bins available at DPW for residents at no charge.

Do I Have To Pay? This program is sponsored by the Recycling Committee, using grant funds to reduce waste. Black Earth takes the collection and turns it into compost to amend the soil and use for gardening.

Don't want to DIY or transport your food waste to the collection bins? Black Earth and Bootstrap Compost are local companies who offer compost pickup services directly from your home- for as little as $6/pickup! See www.BlackEarthCompost.com  or www.BootstrapCompost.com for more information or to sign up.

Contact the Recycling Coordinator at DPW with any questions. 508-336-7407

compost, food waste, sustainability


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