September 7, 2024

Seekonk Fire Chief Contract


The Town of Seekonk has signed Fire Chief Shaun Whalen and Deputy Chief Adam Dalessio to multi-year contracts.

Whalen and Dalessio were appointed to their positions at the March 27 Select Board meeting.

The contract for Whalen stipulates:

  • During the term of this contract, the Town may rescind the appointment of the Fire Chief and terminate his employment as Chief in accordance with the provisions of Article 8, Section 9 of the Town Charter. Where lesser disciplinary action is warranted, the Town may demote, suspend or reprimand the Chief for just cause in keeping with the theory of progressive discipline.
  • From April 10, 2024 to April 9, 2025, the Fire Chief shall receive the annual base salary of $145,000. From April 10, 2025 to April 9, 2026, the Fire Chief shall receive the annual base salary of $147,900. From April 10, 2026 to April 9, 2027, the Fire Chief shall receive the annual base salary of $150,858.
  • The Board of Selectmen through its Town Administrator shall review and evaluate the Fire Chief at the start of each fiscal year for the previous year, with a copy placed in the Chief’s personnel file. Said review and evaluation shall be based on the goals and objectives developed jointly by the Town Administrator and the Fire Chief. Further, the Town Administrator and Fire Chief shall provide the Fire Chief with a summary written statement of the evaluation findings and shall provide an adequate opportunity for the Fire Chief to discuss his evaluation with the Fire Chief to discuss the evaluation with the Town Administrator.

The contract for Dalessio stipulates:

  • From April 10, 2024 to April 9, 2025, the Deputy Fire Chief shall receive the annual base salary of $115,000.
  • From April 10, 2025 to April 9, 2026, the Deputy Fire Chief shall receive the annual base salary of $120,000.
  • From April 10, 2026 to April 9, 2027, the Deputy Fire Chief shall receive the annual base salary of $123, 600.


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