September 20, 2024

Wreaths Across America Rehoboth Village Cemetery


Local Wreaths Across America volunteers are continuing to work hard to ensure that all Veterans laid to rest at the Rehoboth Village Cemetery are honored this December as part of National Wreaths Across America Day – Saturday December 14, 2024. This is the first year the cemetery will participate in the national program and will join more than 4,200 participating locations, placing more than 3 million wreaths for interred veterans. 
In preparation for this event, “Poppy’s Crew” the local founding sponsorship group, is inviting the community to help honor the 480 veterans interred at the Rehoboth Village Cemetery.

Here is how you can get involved:
> Sponsor a wreath for $17 today by scanning the QR code or visiting
> Volunteer your time by assisting with fundraising events, attending the ceremony
and signing up to lay wreaths at gravesites on December 14, 2024, or participate in
clean-up efforts when the wreaths are removed.
> Flag a friend or community member through our “Flag a Friend” campaign. With a $17
Sponsorship, the group will place American Flags and a Yard sign showing the support
of Veterans in the yard of the recipient for a period of time. The recipient can then donate
to have the flags removed, or better – pass it on to another friend or family member.
> Attend or Donate to the Yard Sale on Saturday September 21, 2024 at 757 Arcade Ave,
Seekonk, MA. 02771. All proceeds will benefit the chapter.

Every day leading up to December 14th is an opportunity to raise awareness and bring our
community together.

Poppy’s crew is grateful for the support of the Rehoboth community and surrounding area. The participation in Wreaths Across America at the Rehoboth Village Cemetery is a steppingstone toward future initiatives and expansion of the program in Rehoboth.

We encourage community members to contact us at  if they have a veteran interred in any of the town’s historic burying grounds and would like them to be honored with a wreath on December 14th. Please reach out to arrange this specific request.


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