July 26, 2024

Save Our Schools Makes Endorsements


Save Our Schools, the advocacy group for the Dighton-Rehoboth Regional School District, announced their endorsements of Anthony Arrigo and Ellen Corvi on their Facebook page.

Arrigo is running for another term on the Dighton-Rehoboth Regional School Committee. Corvi is a political newcomer. The other candidates are incumbent Richard Barrett and Aaron Morse. There are 2 open seats. The town election is April 7.

The press release said Arrigo and Corvi “clearly outline a positive, process-oriented approach toward rebuilding the district. As is noted in other recommendations for them, both candidates have extensive experience in education as educators themselves and are committed to our schools and our students.”

“While he would present himself as a refugee from the high taxes of Rhode Island, a better analogy might be one of a carpetbagger, here to take advantage of the low taxes and strong education he currently enjoys,” SOS said about Morse.

SOS said Barrett’s tenure “has been marked by controversy and missed votes.”

“In addition, neither of these candidates have children in the school district,” according to SOS. “Mr. Morse does have young children, but it was his family's decision to have them homeschooled. So, in more clear terms, what commitment do either of these men have towards public education?”

“Of course SOS would endorse Anthony Arrigo and Ellen Corvi because they both have a history of supporting overrides,” Morse said Wednesday. “Voters should not forget that it was Mr. Arrigo that stood up at town meeting last May with a motion to use the town Stabilization accounts to make up the $559k difference in the recommended appropriation.”

“Regarding my decision to home-school my children, having children in the district is not a prerequisite,” Morse added. And to be called a carpetbagger is laughable considering the chairman of SOS has not paid one penny of his own money to the town in taxes to support the schools. I have done more to support education simply by paying my tax bill, of which $.63 on the dollar goes toward the regional district.”

Barrett also slammed SOS for their comments: “My children both graduated from Dighton-Rehoboth (Regional High School). In my opinion, they have no clue and to say I don’t support education is ludicrous. I fully support education but not at any cost.”


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