September 7, 2024

Response to Glenn Longstreet’s Letter from The Carpenter Museum


Thank you, Glen Longstreet, for your “Letter to the Editor” of the Rehoboth Reporter dated last month (September 2023). We, at the Carpenter Museum appreciate your interest in collecting stories and memories about our schools and town and request the same.

The Carpenter Museum has recorded the history of Anawan School which was published by the Rehoboth Reporter in March of 2022. In addition to that history, the museum holds a collection pertaining to the one-room schoolhouses as well as the consolidated schools like Anawan School. We have a few stories from those belonging to the WWII generation and earlier. We now can welcome those from the baby-boomer generation.

Rehoboth has not only been a town with a vast history since its incorporation in 1645, but even to this day, generations of families continue to live in town. We recognize the names of people who came before us and honor our past by remembering how it was when we were younger. Details of those who cared about us, our schools, clubs, church, and our town come to our mind with sentiment and endearment motivating us to pass this history along that ultimately created the tightknit community we remember.

At this point in time, Anawan School has been saved. It is destined to become a residence for seniors. Although it is presently in intolerable condition, we are happy to know there is no schedule for it to be razed and hopefully will serve a new purpose while at least maintaining part of its original structure.

For those interested in recording some memories of old Rehoboth or your favorite memory while attending Anawan School, a paragraph or two is indispensable to our town history. It can be collected by the Carpenter Museum. You can mail me with your memories at  or mail them to The Carpenter Museum, 4 Locust Avene, Rehoboth, MA 02769 c/o Lende McMullen.

Thank you again for your letter, Glen!
Lende Ramspott McMullen


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