July 27, 2024

Rehoboth Senior Citizens Club News


At our meeting, the Election of officers was held on April 19th: President, Donna Howard; Vice President, Steve Silva; Secretary, Jane Williams; and Treasurer, Clarence King. A huge "Thank you" was given to all last year's officers, and to our new officers, for working towards the club's success this year. We look forward to more of the same.

Our future plans include a Yard Sale, Lunch Outing at LePage's Restaurant, our Annual Fall Bazaar, a Christmas Outing, a Christmas Party, our 50th Anniversary Celebration, and a 90th Birthday Celebration for club seniors. Lots to do, and many hands are needed. Our committee members are already hard at work. Volunteers and new members are always welcome.

Be watching for the Dues Notices that will going out soon. Our dues are $10 PER YEAR, covering the time period of May 1 to April 30 of the following year. Dues will be due by the end of June each year.

Don't be surprised to see that the RSCC will be having a few surprise raffles this year at the Monday or at the NEW Wednesday lunches at the Senior Center.

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, May 17th right after the NEW Senior Center Wednesday lunch that is scheduled now. If weather permits, our meeting may be outside in the Pavilion. See you there!

Donna Howard

President, RSCC, Inc.


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