May 1, 2024

The J. Brown Trust Foundation Awards Animal Advocates Funding for their Spay/Neuter Assistance Program for Cats


Animal Advocates has been awarded funding from The J. Brown Trust Foundation to provide spaying, neutering and vaccination financial assistance for cats to people that need financial help with their cats or their outside stray cats. Call 508-991-7727 for assistance.

This funding will provide financial assistance to people who are financially challenged, elderly, disabled, single-parents, veterans, unemployed, and/or receiving public aid.

The Spay/Neuter Assistance Program helps people who would otherwise not be able to afford to spay/neuter and vaccinate their cat(s) due to economic hardship. Our goal is to assist financially challenged people and families so that their pets are assured a loving, safe and permanent place in the homes of the people they love.

Pet overpopulation is a guarantee that great numbers of animals will end up in shelters, or wind up on the streets. Our programs work to prevent the suffering of future generations of animals by investing our resources in spay/neuter efforts now.

Spaying and neutering your pets have many health benefits. For females spaying prevents breast cancer, ovarian and uterine cancer, for males neutering prevents prostate and testicular cancer. Unneutered pets are prone to urine-marking; neutering solves approximately 90% of marking issues. It also minimizes the urge to roam, fight and act out, such as aggression, mounting and in females spraying.

Nationwide, 3 million or more healthy, adoptable pets are destroyed in shelters annually. Many are healthy wonderful pets who would have made great companions. Spaying and neutering will reduce the number of animals destroyed needlessly every year.

The tragedy of animal overpopulation continues to affect communities with countless homeless and unwanted animals. By providing accessible spay/neuter financial assistance, we can prevent unwanted and unplanned litters entering shelters or abandoned on the street in the future.

For more information on our spay/neuter assistance program, call Animal Advocates (508) 991-7727.

Animal Advocates, Inc. ~ PO Box 79258 ~ No. Dartmouth, MA 02747
Tel: 508-991-7727 ~ Website:


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