May 3, 2024

East Providence and PawSox team up to support EP Central, Rumford & Riverside LL's

City Leagues to Share $5,000 Donation for Players in Need


The Pawtucket Red Sox and PawSox Foundation, together with the City of East Providence, have teamed up to roll out a $5,000 scholarship program for East Providence Little League ball players in need. In a joint press release the PawSox and Mayor's Office stated that " the PawSox Foundation, will present a $5,000 check to be shared between three East Providence baseball leagues (Riverside Little League, Rumford Little League and Central Little League) during Open Day."

Opening Day festivities begin this Saturday, April 13, 2019. Participating in the ceremony will be Charles Steinberg, president, Pawtucket Red Sox, Mayor Bob DaSilva, City of East Providence, East Providence City Councilors Robert Britto, Nathan Cahoon and Bob Rodericks, Chuck Michael, president, Central Little League, Ed Wencis, president, Rumford Little League, EPLL players and Mascots Paws and Sox.

"The Pawtucket Red Sox wants every child to have a chance to play ball. The scholarship, a gesture through the organization’s Act of Kindness efforts in giving back to Rhode Island communities, will help East Providence Little Leagues to defray the cost of players’ equipment, registration and any other costs associated with joining the league," said PawSox representative Bill Wanless.

"I am pleased to partner with the PawSox charitable group in helping our young people be able to play Little League baseball," added East Providence Mayor Bob DaSilva. "I look forward to seeing a lot of families at opening day this weekend. It is truly an event anticipated by many in our community every year," added the Mayor.

The festivities will take place Saturday, April 13th at Pierce Field on Lyon Avenue. A parade will begin from the corner of Warren and Lyon Avenues at 8:30 am. The parade will proceed to Pierce Field ending at the Robert J. Rodericks Memorial LL Field for a ceremony and presentation of the PawSox check.


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