February 8, 2025

October - Racial Justice Book Discussion


As part of Newman Congregational Church, United Church of Christ’s ongoing commitment to education and dialogue on structural racism and white supremacy, we invite the wider community to participate in our monthly book discussions.

The book group meets using the Zoom platform on Monday evenings from 7pm to 8:30pm EST over three consecutive weeks.

Our October discussion of “#SAYHERNAME” by Kimberlé Crewshaw will be held on the following three consecutive Monday evenings; October 2, 9, & 16.

Interested in participating? Visit our website to register at

Newman UCC is an Open and Affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ and extends this invitation to one and all, living out the example of Jesus’ extravagant welcome.

Newman Congregational Church, United Church of Christ is located at 100 Newman Avenue, Rumford, RI 02916. For more information, contact the Church Office at 401-434-4742 X10.


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