June 26, 2024

Seekonk Board to Change Name


The Board of Selectmen voted to change their name to Select Board Wednesday.

Selectwoman Michelle Hines brought up the proposal at the board’s April 5 meeting. Hines believed the name should be gender-neutral. Other options were Executive Board and Town Council.

“I think if we looked at Town Council, that would be a change of our government,” Chairman Michael Healy said. “I have no issue with Select Board. I’ve seen it in other communities, it’s probably the best choice we have.”

Selectman Justin Sullivan said the town charter would need to be modified to include the name change.

Selectwoman Pam Pozzi noted the voters at town meeting would need to approve the name change before being referred to the Massachusetts Attorney General.

In addition, all town policies and procedures will now be revised to be gender-neutral.


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