May 17, 2024

OpenDoors Necessity Fund Program Launch


OpenDoors, a non-profit located at 485 Plainfield St, Providence, RI that provides advocacy and support for people with criminal records. Since 2003, has helped people with records obtain employment through our Work Readiness program. In 2011, we opened the only public housing building for people with criminal records who face a higher risk of homelessness. OpenDoors has a resource center that provides support to homeless individuals with navigating the Coordinated Entry System and the public housing application process. We also provide assistance with ID and clothing vouchers, court fines, child support, and voter registration.

On Wednesday, November 13th from 6:00 to 7:30 PM at St. Martin’s Episcopal Church we will be launching the OpenDoors Necessity Fund. St. Martin's Church Episcopal Church is located at 50 Orchard Ave, Providence, RI 02906. The Necessity Fund will provide basic necessities, such as haircuts, sheets and cleaning supplies, or books, for employment, housing, and education to people with records, so that all Rhode Islanders have the chance to succeed and lead meaningful lives. You can purchase tickets and donate to the fund at For more information, you can visit our website or our OpenDoors Facebook page.

As a third of all Rhode Islanders have a criminal record and with a recidivism rate of 50%, OpenDoors is working to address and improve an important issue in our community. Employment reduces recidivism rates, and OpenDoors works to alleviate the barriers to employment for people with criminal records. More than 7 million Americans have their license suspended due to fees and fines. Our Necessity Fund will help pay license reinstatement fees so people can obtain their license and have access to transportation which is key to maintaining employment.


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