June 26, 2024

Happy Birthday Pierce Field - 75 Years Old!

Planning a Thanksgiving Day Party - 2014


Pierce Memorial Stadium was built under the Works Progress Administration (WPA), a New Deal agency of the Federal Government during the 1930’s. Completed in November of 1939, the stadium cost $300,000. The field bears the name of one of East Providence's most prominent residents, W.B. Pierce who had bequeathed a trust fund to the town to save this land specifically for recreational use. On November 30, 1939 Pierce Memorial Stadium opened to the public in time for the traditional Thanksgiving Day football game between East Providence and La Salle Academy. The Townies won, 10 to 0. Thanksgiving day 2014 will mark the 75th anniversary of the opening of Pierce Field. City officials and supporters of Pierce Field and city recreation are starting to plan what may be a yearlong birthday party. "I have too many memories of Pierce to name just one," said popular Pierce facility manager, Joe Medeiros. Medeiros has been in charge of everything at the sprawling athletic complex since 1991. Before coming to Pierce Field, Medeiros was responsible for maintaining the lush grounds of East Providence's Metacomet Country Club. "When I think back about the history of Pierce Field, I think of more than local sports or football. Pierce has featured some very big events. In 1959, Harold Gomes of Providence fought and won the World Junior Lightweight boxing championship, in a national match set up in the field," said Medeiros. "We have also witnessed some major soccer events through the years with world class athletes like Portugal's Eusébio who played in a soccer game before 12,000 fans in 1980." Medeiros went on to point out other major events through the years. There were many concerts featuring national acts like America, Three Dog Night, The Guess Who, and Bonnie Raitt to mention some.

A stone memorial inside the gates commemorates the time when both Babe Ruth and Ted Williams put on separate hitting exhibitions inside Pierce. In September 1941, Ruth put on a hitting exhibition and was followed the next day by Red Sox Great Ted Williams.

The annual Rhode Island Matadors Invitational, a drum and bugle corps competition was held at one time inside the stadium, bringing thousands from all over southern New England. There were also rodeos and fireworks are still big on the Fourth of July.

For most visitors to Pierce Stadium the feeling is the same. The entire Pierce complex is beautiful and professionally maintained. Pierce has long been considered one of the best outdoor athletic facilities in New England. Some consider it to be the best complex by far.

The complex consists of its' famous football stadium with lights, big baseball field with dimensions bigger than Fenway Park and several youth baseball and softball fields. The complex also includes a playground with basketball and tennis courts and walking paths. The field also hosts the city Heritage Days which is held every summer.

Talk to anyone with any knowledge of Pierce Field and the theme is always the same. Pierce Field wouldn't be Pierce Field without Joe Medeiros. Indeed it is Medeiros who is the lifeline for the complex. It's hard however to get Medeiros to talk about himself. He immediately credits other workers, of which said numbers are dwindling. With city cutbacks in services, the stadium is starting to show signs of wear and tear. "We make it work," said Medeiros from his stadium office which is slightly bigger than a closet. Medeiros is a 1975 graduate of East Providence High School and loves his job. "I practically live here and just love keeping this place in as good as condition as possible." In fact Medeiros is so good at his job that the Pawtucket Red Sox have come calling. When he can fit it in, Medeiros works the ground crew at McCoy Stadium in Pawtucket during home night games.

Although he quickly credits parks and recreation staffers and others - "we have a great team here", it's is clear that Medeiros is the glue that keeps everything together as the cash strapped city tries to maintain the Pierce Complex.

"Despite its long and rich history, Pierce field’s reputation as one of the best outdoor facilities in the state really took off when Joe Medeiros was hired in the early 90’s as the facility manager," said city recreation coordinator, Diane Sullivan. "It’s not only Joe’s expertise in field maintenance that has elevated Pierce to a premier venue but his friendly and accommodating style. His personal attention to each event has developed a wonderful rapport between the Recreation department and the community," continued Sullivan.

Area colleges have also rented out baseball or football fields at Pierce. "It was a good deal for them and it helped us with some income to paint and replant grass seed, etc. every year", said Medeiros. However, no other school or college is renting Pierce currently. Johnson & Wales University was playing its home baseball games at Pierce but recently built its own complex. "After 17 years Johnson & Wales University athletics is saying goodbye to Pierce Memorial Field Complex. It has been a great relationship with Joe Medeiros and his staff. I can't say enough about the job that they have done for our athletes. While I am beyond excited about our new on campus field complex it is bittersweet to say goodbye to Joe and his staff today at our final Pierce game," said Alan Segee of Johnson & Wales back in April. The latter sentiment is similar to that of anyone who has used the facilities at Pierce Field.

And so the city is preparing for a 75th birthday party for Mr. Pierce's land known affectionately as Pierce Memorial Field. "For anyone who has grown up in East Providence, Pierce Field is certainly an iconic location. My memories of Pierce are fond and numerous, so it’s virtually impossible to designate a “favorite”. The mere mention of the name “Pierce Field” brings me back to my early childhood spending summer days at the rec. department’s playground program. Who can forget the epic Townie grid iron battles led by the Silva brothers or the stunning overtime field goal by Sam Lovett?! What’s better than lounging on the stadium grass listening to a Heritage Festival concert on a beautiful summer night? Graduations, sporting events, summer time fun, and the list goes on and on…", adds Diane Sullivan, City Recreation Coordinator.

Joe Medeiros has seen it all. He has played on all the fields as a youth growing up in East Providence and he now maintains this special place for thousands of youth and adults to enjoy. His task, however, is getting very difficult as the current economic conditions are allowing him very little resources beyond his own elbow grease to keep Pierce alive. The chorus in East Providence and beyond is saying Happy Birthday Pierce Field and thanks to Joe Medeiros, a Townie and one of the humble, good guys.


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