July 26, 2024

Rehoboth Senior Citizens Club News


Our September 26th meeting was stock full of making more plans for our Annual Fall Bazaar (my error calling it the Christmas Bazaar). Vendors, baked goods, and volunteers are still needed for October 29th.

Also at our meeting we had Fireman John Parker who shared some very important fire safety for seniors while they are in their home. For instance, while cooking breakfast, please make sure a bathrobe sleeve stays clear of the burners, or make sure house entrances are free of obstacles if you have to get out in an emergency situation. Fireman Parker reminded us of the differences between a smoke alarm and a carbon monoxide alarm, and which one you should flee from faster. Did you know there are 20 minutes difference in escape time?

Our next meeting will be our finalization meeting for the Annual Fall Bazaar, October 19th at noon. Hope to see many of you there.

Donna Howard
RSCC President


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