July 27, 2024
News Desk

EPHS Student Daizie DiPietro honored at City Council & School Board meetings

Health Occupations student assists person in medical distress


The East Providence City Council and School Committee both had meetings on Tuesday night, November 16, 2022. Both groups honored an East Providence High School student for her actions in helping a person in potential serious medical harm. Mayor Bob DaSilva made a presentation at the City Council meeting to EPHS student Daizie DiPietro:

"Today we recognized East Providence High School student Daizie DiPietro for her actions in rendering aid to a person suffering a medical episode.

DiPietro, a Junior at East Providence High School currently in the Health Occupations program, noticed a restaurant patron was pale when she entered the establishment. Daizie asked an employee to get the woman orange juice. The woman then began to slump and had a seizure. DiPietro jumped into action, asking an employee to get a cold cloth, and clearing chairs and placing the woman's head back.

The woman went unconscious, Daizie had another employee call 911 and stayed with the woman, checking her pulse and caring for her. The woman eventually gained consciousness and recovered.

Congratulations Daizie, your actions demonstrate that you have the courage and level headedness to make a great first responder, nurse or doctor in the future," DaSilva told Ms. DiPietro.

"It is one of the pleasures of a City Council to recognize some of the wonderful young people in our city! Positive news by a positive student," said city council vice-president, Bob Rodericks.

Daizie left the council meeting and next received a warm reception at the city school committee meeting. She was honored by the committee and fire department officials.


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