May 7, 2024

A Plea To Keep Our Roadsides Clean


This is a beautiful historic sight, the Carpenter Bridge in Rehoboth, right on the Palmer River. My wife and I picked up 17 diapers and 78 nip bottles on the site just the other day. In the last 15 years or so, the trash on our road sides has just gotten out of control. It is such a sad sight and for the life of me it is hard for me to think we have so many people that would do this. You know who you are! So I and many others are asking you to be more conscious of what you are doing. To be more considerate and PLEASE STOP! You are better than that! How much does it take to hang a bag over your gear shift and put your trash in it and please dump it where it belongs!

We would all appreciate this small effort to make us and you proud of our beautiful town. Lets all help.


Jay Crandall


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