September 20, 2024

Rehoboth Senior Citizens Club News


How wonderful it was to see so many new faces at our June meeting!!!

We had over 28 folks who came, enjoyed seeing familiar people, and meeting new friends.  After the meeting we all feasted on hot dogs, strawberry shortcake or blueberry cake.  Thank you Diane for making our delicious lunch!  

Our 2nd Vice President, Elaine Amaral decided to step down from that position. The RSCC greatly appreciates her input as an officer over the last few years, and will continue to enjoy her input.  Thank you, Elaine for your work in that office.  Our new 2nd Vice President is Jane Williams.  Thank you, Jane for accepting this position.

After lunch the new Bingo game came out using our brand new set with slider cards that made it so easy and more efficient to play without missing a number!  There were four winners of the Bingo games and the Door Prize was won by Gerri Shallcross.

At our next meeting, July 20, 2022, at Francis Farm, a lunch will be prepared, BLT’s made with garden tomatoes, by Diane Silva.  Dessert will also be provided.

The RSCC has a few fundraisers coming up.  Be looking for informational flyers around town.  There will be contact information on those flyers as well.

Our program chairman, Marge Johnston, is working hard to schedule entertainment each month. It is much more encouraging to plan events when there are many people to enjoy them. We are hoping to again see more new faces to attend and participate in the wonderful camaraderie and fun. I will do my very best to keep the meeting short.

So… will we see you at our next meeting on July 20th at noon?  We look forward to seeing you there.

Donna Howard
President RSCC, Inc.


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