May 2, 2024

News from the Rehoboth Lions


On June 25th, the Rehoboth Lions held our annual President's Picnic, which is also when we traditionally swear in the upcoming Lion Year's officers. Our event was held by our gracious host Lion Jay Crandall and his wonderful wife Brenda - All of us thank you for the hospitality!! The threat of rain held off, and we had a wonderful ceremony led by Lion Mike Salois. Officers for the 2023-2024 year are:

President - Henry Pires
1st VP - Don Nokes
2nd VP - Arthur Almedia
Secretary - Bill Cute
Treasurer - Vinny McKenna
Tail Twister - Mike Barger
Lion Tamer - Steve Brasier

2022-2023 President Mike Barger had the distinct pleasure of honoring 2 of our members with the highest recognition given to a Lion member - The Melvin Jones award. The Melvin Jones Awards ranks with the Lions Humanitarian Award, which is the highest honor of the association given to an individual or an organization with exemplary humanitarian efforts. Our 2 honorees were Steven Brasier and Scott Lacourse. Congratulations Gentlemen!

Though July and August are traditionally "slow months" for fundraising events, Lions are busy at work behind the scenes with all the planning for this coming years events. First, the 34th Annual Rehoboth Lions Golf Tournament, dedicated to the memory of Ray Dyer, will be held on Sunday, October 15th at the Swansea Country Club. Sponsor and player spots sell out each year for this event, so if you are interested, please contact us ASAP. For more information, please visit the Rehoboth Lions website at,  or reach out to either Don Nokes or Scott Lacourse, co-chairs of this year's event.
Don Nokes (401-255-3666) - Scott Lacourse (774-203-8653)

Clamboils will be back in September - the first Wednesday of the month. September 6, October 4, and November 1. They are always a sellout event, so if interested - ask any Lion for tickets, or visit our website.

It's sure to be another exciting year - and remember, every penny the Lions raise goes to charity!

If you are interested in becoming a Lion, just reach out to Scott Lacourse  or Mike Salois

Have a great rest of the summer, and look forward to seeing you all in September!

We Serve!


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