May 4, 2024

A Thank You to the 375th Parade Committee


Dear 375th Parade Committee:
I want to thank the committee and the town for the honor of having me the Grand Marshall of the 375th Parade on October 7th. I have done a lot of things and been in a lot of places during my 92 years, but being Grand Marshall of a parade has never been one of them, in fact I didn’t know just what a Grand Marshall did and what went along with it until now. For one thing, I found you get the V.I.P. treatment by being driven right to the reviewing stand at the Palmer River School and given the best seat in the house, an easy chair.

As I watched the parade pass by my vantage point, I thought of the tremendous amount of work the parade committee did of getting all the varied participants together from here and other towns, some of which were far away, and master the logistics of lining everyone (1800 of them) in the correct order, and stepping-off as scheduled.

I also thought the Rehoboth Police did a great job in detouring traffic around Winthrop Street over our windy back roads. It probably was a nuisance for some motorists, but it did give them the opportunity to see what a pretty town Rehoboth is.

The whole affair was a job well done.

Very truly yours,

Otis Dyer


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