September 19, 2024

Vadnais Warns About Impact of MBTA Zoning


The state’s multi-family housing mandate would have a “derogatory” impact on the town of Rehoboth, Selectmen Chair Skip Vadnais said Monday.

There will be a public forum on Wednesday, July 24 at 7 pm in the Museum meeting room at Francis Farm. The town’s legal counsel will be available to answer questions from board members and residents.

The MBTA Communities Act requires 177 cities and towns in Eastern Massachusetts — designated as rapid transit, commuter rail, adjacent, and adjacent small town communities — to rezone near T stops to allow for multi-family housing as of right. “As of right” means multi-family housing would be allowed to go up in the rezoned areas without special permits or other discretionary processes.

The deadline for compliance is December 31, 2025.

“If we don’t comply, there are ramifications,” Director of Finance Sue Pimental said at the June 5 Planning Board meeting.


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  • jradny

    Please, anyone reading this. We have a Facebook group and email for those that want to learn more and join the fight against this law and our towns compliance to it. This is a dangerous law that will change our right to farm community in irreparable ways, and sets the precedent for the state's encroachment on town's rights. We must change zoning laws to allow 15-units per acre multi-family buildings and have been deemed to have capacity for 231 multi-family units. Even if both are not feasible to obtain, once we change our zoning in areas around town, developers will have free reign to build as they please.

    Join our Facebook Group (Rehoboth Against MBTA Law): or email:

    We have an online petition going as well:

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