September 19, 2024

Twenty-Two Special Olympics Rhode Island Athletes Make History as Graduates of Inaugural Class of Athlete Leadership University


June 21, 2024 (Smithfield, RI) – After a year and a half of taking college-style courses to become certified leaders, the inaugural class of Special Olympics Rhode Island’s Athlete Leadership University celebrated their graduation on June 8 at Bryant University. This milestone marked the completion of a program by 22 Special Olympics Rhode Island athletes from across the state who mastered both basic and advanced core modules of Athlete Leadership, as well as specific courses related to one of three majors: Athlete Spokesperson, Athlete Representative, or Health Messenger.

“Athlete Leadership University provided a transformative learning experience for these athletes, empowering them with confidence and leadership skills to drive societal change,” said Ed Pacheco, President and CEO of Special Olympics Rhode Island. “I am immensely proud of these individuals and cannot wait to see their future achievements with their newfound leadership skills.”

Special Olympics Rhode Island’s Athlete Leadership University (ALU) was conceived after Mary-Ellen Powers, a Special Olympics Rhode Island athlete from Barrington and Athlete Leadership Specialist for the organization, drew inspiration from successful ALU programs in other states. Modeled after these programs, Special Olympics Rhode Island’s ALU leverages the support of volunteer mentors from diverse professional backgrounds to guide athletes through essential leadership courses before they specialize in a major. Their learning journey culminates in capstone projects reflecting their chosen field of study. This program’s creation was showcased at the 2023 Global Athlete Congress in Berlin, Germany.

“Witnessing the growth of my fellow athletes through their participation in Athlete Leadership University has been truly inspiring,” said Powers. “They have amplified their voices, boosted their confidence, and embraced new leadership roles along the way. And let’s not forget their courage as trailblazers – the inaugural class of Athlete Leadership University is ready to lead!”

Local Graduates of Special Olympics Rhode Island’s first-ever Athlete Leadership University class are listed below along with athletes’ respective majors and hometowns.

Michael Bullock Athlete Representative Rumford

Cote David Athlete Spokesperson Rehoboth, MA

Heather Wyrostek Health Messenger Seekonk, MA

Registration for the next cohort of Athlete Leadership University, starting in September, will soon be open to Special Olympics Rhode Island athletes. Interested athletes are encouraged to contact Mary-Ellen Powers at  or 401-349-4900 extension 325. Alternatively, they can express their interest to their team coaches.


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