September 20, 2024

Senate passes Lawson bill to prevent auto insurers from charging higher rates to widows


State House – The Senate today passed a bill sponsored by Senate Majority Whip Valarie Lawson to prohibit auto insurers from charging policyholders more solely because they have been widowed.

The bill (2024-S 2269) prohibits auto insurers from treating widows or widowers any differently than married people in terms of classification or rates, beginning with policies issued after Jan. 1, 2025.

It now moves to the House, which has already passed companion legislation (2024-H 7606) from Rep. Arthur Handy (D-Dist. 18, Cranston).

“This issue first came to my attention when a constituent of mine reached out to share her story with me. Her husband had passed away and after she notified her insurance company of her husband’s death she was quickly notified that her car insurance would be increasing by $450 per year as a result,” said Senator Lawson (D-Dist. 14, East Providence). “Everyone who has experienced loss knows how devastating it is to deal with the practical matters and expenses and the uncertainly of a major life change on top of the heavy emotional toll of the grieving process. Adding an additional expense to the lives of those mourning a loved one is unnecessary and unfair.”

The local insurance industry supported the bill, noting that not only would this bill lead to more fair outcomes for policyholders, but that widowed persons, unlike other rating factors, present little to no additional risk as drivers.


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