September 20, 2024

Seekonk Selectmen Candidates Meet for Forum


The four candidates for Seekonk Board of Selectmen answered questions from local media in a televised forum at TV9 studios. The annual town election is April 3. The moderator was Michael Dressler. Incumbents Adam Petronio and David Andrade are being challenged by Michelle Hines, a former selectwoman, and newcomer Pamela Pozzi.

The candidates were asked for their opinions on a new public library, a Department of Public Works facility, and a South End fire station:

  • Hines noted the voters already rejected plans for a new library and suggested the library board of trustees present a scaled-down proposal.
  • Pozzi said a library is a “very valuable asset” to a community and wants to see it maintained.
  • Petronio supports a new fire station but expressed concern about staffing. He said library repairs were needed. “We need to take better care of our buildings and assets,” Petronio said. “I think a new DPW (facility) is long overdue.”
  • Andrade also supports the new facilities, noting he had pushed for a Capital and Infrastructure Stabilization account since joining the board.

Another question concerned performance reviews of the Town Administrator, Assistant Town Administrator, and other department heads:

  • “They are interfacing with the community and the (residents) should be able to provide input,” Pozzi said.
  • “The more feedback you get on someone, the better,” Andrade said. “A 360 review makes sense.”
  • “Getting feedback from your subordinates, your peers, and your superiors is important for professional development,” Petronio said. “It gives the employee insight into their perceived strengths and weaknesses.”
  •  “When any individual is being reviewed, (the residents) should have a say,” Hines said. “Reviews are very important. You need to know that everyone is doing their job well.”

The forum will air throughout the month on TV9.  To view on demand in its entirety, go to


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