September 19, 2024

Rehoboth Selectman Praises Town Employees


Rehoboth Selectman Lenny Mills expressed their gratitude for the work of town employees at Monday’s meeting.

“The Police Department continues to do a great job with the new hire, the Acting Chief of Police (Louis DiBacco),” said Mills. “The parade they did was commendable, they had the most enthusiasm, the most volunteers I’ve seen and they’ve seen in a long time.”

“The Building Maintenance Department continues to amaze all of us with what they do with not a lot of staff,” Mills noted. “They’re really working hard, Mike Viveiros and his group. They’re working on the vault at Town Hall, which we expected to see completed in 30 days or so, pending any unforeseen issues.”

Mills was also pleased about the existence of clean water at the Council on Aging at Francis Farm.

“When I (was elected) 24 months ago, this place could not use the water,” Mills said. “It took 24 months of working with an engineer, the Department of Environmental Protection, the water division, and the plumbers and the water analysis people and (town officials) to get the water up and running. It’s been a long haul. They’re doing a great job.”


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