May 18, 2024

Rehoboth Lions News


Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!

Welcome to the Holiday Season!

The Rehoboth Lions have had a great year of Service to our Community, with many fundraising events that are only successful because of you! We have a great town that is incredibly generous! This year's events included our Clam Boils, Chicken Barbeque, Cigar Night, Golf Tournament and other events throughout the year - and 100% of every penny we raise goes to our community as well as the great things the Lions International does.

Locally, we support many different civic organizations that are too many to mention; fund scholarships for DR High, Bristol Aggie, and Bristol Plymouth Tech, and so much more.
2022 has been a bittersweet one for us, as we've said goodbye to some wonderful Lion brothers, but also said hello to a number of new members.

Two simple words define what we do: We Serve!

Here's a great message from Lions International: Being a Lion means knowing that kindness matters! We believe in changing the world by serving the needs of our local communities. More than 1.4 million Lions around the world are responding to local and global challenges with kindness and care.

Interested to learn more? Reach out to Mike Salois at  or Scott Lacourse at

We have you all to thank for another success, but here are a few companies, organizations, and people that went above and beyond in 2022:

The Rehoboth Reporter - for posting our news in their print and online issues to help us get the word out!

Aiding with this year's Chicken BBQ
Chartley Country Store - chicken, coleslaw, potato salad
Thompson's food service -cranberry sauce
Dunkin Donuts -Rehoboth - coffee & donuts
Land-Tek - containers
Scialos Bakery - desserts, rolls
Town of Rehoboth - Francis farm
American Legion - hall and drive up area
Rehoboth Highway Dept - cones & guard rails
Rehoboth Police - traffic control
Ray Medeiros - tickets

Clam Boils
Seekonk Rod and Gun Club for the Venue
David Dias for helping in the kitchen
The Grapevine and Regency Liquors for beverages

Cigar Night
John Fereira for the use of his beautiful grounds
Regency Liquors for beverages

Golf Tournament
Special thanks to Propane Plus, Bristol County Savings Bank and Dunkin of Rehoboth as well as all the many tee sponsors and foursomes that made such a great day!

Thank you, Rehoboth, for a wonderful year of service! It makes all of us proud to serve such a wonderful community, and it's incredibly rewarding. We can't wait to get back to our events next year!

Happy Holidays!


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