May 4, 2024

East Bay Retired Teachers Fall Luncheon


The East Bay Retired Teachers Association will be holding a fall luncheon on November 16, 2023, at Benjamin's Restaurant Taunton Ave Seekonk (inside the Ramada Inn). The meeting will commence at 11:30 with the scholarship raffle to follow. The program will be Carl Sweeney CEO of Hope and Faith LLC discussing his recent activities with his charitable organization and explaining the needs and challenges they are facing in these difficult times. Our annual support of Hope and Faith is to provide $10 gift cards for Shaw's Market which help buy turkeys for Thanksgiving. This year we are including in our project the purchasing of cleaning products and paper products (toilet paper, paper towels, soap, detergent, kitchen needs etc.) to our list of donations which will help with the Senior Assistant bimonthly program which is supervised by Maureen Sweeney Nolan. The choices for the luncheon at the cost of $25 are: Pilgrim turkey dinner, baked scrod, chicken cutlet parmigiano or shrimp scampi. Please remit your selection and check to Anne Laderer 18 Monmouth Drive Riverside, RI 02915 by November 10. Please remember to bring your new raffle items which help provide 2 scholarships to Mt Hope High School and East Providence High School deserving Seniors to help defray post high school educational expenses.


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