September 20, 2024

East Bay Prevention Coalitions team up with local police departments for DEA’s annual Take Back Day


East Bay, RI – On Saturday, April 27, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. the East Bay Regional Coalition, along with the Barrington, Bristol, East Providence, and Warren Prevention Coalitions teamed up with local police departments and the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) for the bi-annual Drug Take Back Day. Community members took the opportunity to anonymously, and at no cost, dispose of their unwanted, unneeded, and expired medications.

Collection sites across Rhode Island collectively disposed of 4,007 pounds of medications, 647pounds of which was collected in the East Bay. This initiative addresses a vital public health issue. Medicines in the home are highly susceptible to diversion and misuse.

The state of Rhode Island experienced 391 overdose deaths in 2023, a decrease from the 2022 total of 436. To help decrease the risk of overdose and misuse, residents can utilize Count it, lock it, drop it. Track the number of pills in medication bottles, secure medications in a locked cabinet or lock bag, and take unwanted medicines to any of the 24/7 drug disposal locations. For a full list of disposal locations, please visit 

The East Bay Regional Coalition is one of seven community coalitions funded by the Rhode Island Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities & Hospitals. It is comprised of members from municipal prevention coalitions and other community stakeholders from Barrington, Bristol, East Providence, and Warren. The Coalition views prevention through a broad lens that accounts for similarities and differences between cities and towns, incorporates health promotion and substance misuse prevention strategies across the lifespan, and coordinates media and events that endeavor to increase collaboration and sustain prevention activities across the region. Contact us at 401-247-1900 or at


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