September 21, 2024

City Dems, Local 328 UFCW & Shaw’s to Donate Turkeys to Area Families

Partnership to meet at Shaw's on December 20th to receive turkeys


The East Providence Democratic City Committee (EPDCC) has partnered with Shaw’s Supermarket and United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 328, to provide 80 turkeys to local families in need during the holiday season. Turkeys will be delivered to deserving families and elderly members of East Providence. “This is the 16th year that this tradition will take place,” said EPDCC chairman Bruce Rogers. Anyone in need of food assistance during this holiday can contact any member of the EPDCC.

On Wednesday, December 20th, members of the EPDCC, United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 328 and Shaw’s management and employees, will meet at the Shaw’s Supermarket on Taunton Avenue in East Providence to receive the donation of turkeys. The group will then begin to distribute the turkeys to those in need.

“It is the hope of Shaw’s, Local 328 and the EPDCC that this goodwill effort will make the holidays a bit brighter for those less fortunate,” said Domenic Pontarelli, Secretary Treasurer at United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 328.

“The Democratic City Committee has coordinated this effort for many years with the UFCW and we wish to thank Shaw’s employees and management for their generosity,” said EPDCC Chairman Bruce Rogers.


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