May 3, 2024

Actual Leadership on November 3rd


Let me set a few things straight. The accusations my opponent has charged me with, do not hold water. If you would like actual facts, please go to the Secretary of State’s website, and look up the meeting minutes of June 14th, 2011. There you will find that I refused to vote to put the superintendent on administrative leave. I voted NAY and did not cost the taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars as he would have you believe. The MILLION dollars in legal fees he is trying to hang around my neck, was actually generated by the prior school committee to unilaterally roll back the salaries of the teachers. That action is why we had the lowest paid teachers in the state. The run-down facilities were from 30 years of improper maintenance and constant underfunding of the school department. In fact, I advocated for emergency repairs and helped to get $26 Million dollars in bonds for our schools. The deficit was almost $6M and had been accumulating years before I even took my seat in 2011. That year, we also lost over $1M in state aid. The only accurate part of the statement he has put forth is that I served on School Committee, but he didn’t even get the dates correct. I served in 2011 and 2012.

It pains me to even have to waste time and energy refuting “embellishments”, but I will not sit idle while the lies are flowing. I am running for school committee again, because of this exact type of nonsense. Instead of worrying about how we are going to keep our kids safe in the middle of a pandemic, he’s worried about bad mouthing me to try to win votes.

I am running because our children, faculty and staff deserve better.  

Safely teaching and learning should be our number one priority.

Our facilities still have a long way to come.

We need air purifiers in every classroom. Box fans and open windows don’t cut it.

We can’t afford higher taxes. They are already increasing to pay for our new high school. 

We need an honest budget to pay for it all. We don’t have that.

If you want honest leadership and someone who is going to put a lot of elbow grease behind our district to refocus what is truly important, please vote for me on November 3rd.

Chrissy Rossi
Candidate for School Committee at Large


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