January 16, 2025

A quick note from your Public Health Nurse:


Jan. 7th, 2025

Please be aware the Influenza and Norovirus diseases are rising rapidly in Ma. I am providing links below for information on both viruses and how to access data related to our area.

It is important for us all to be cognizant of our own health and if we feel we are under the weather, to monitor symptoms, particularly fevers, and make good decisions on when to stay home with illness onset. Any time one has a fever it is imperative that one stays home. For all fevers, one should stay home until one is 24 hours fever free without medication. During this time of the year, when we are predominantly indoors, in close proximity to one another and in the season filled with various illness, it is even more important to practice good handwashing, practice good cough etiquette and again, be vigilant about monitoring for signs and symptoms of illness in one self and in loved ones who need help with health monitoring e.g. children and those with cognitive compromise. It is also imperative that we monitor contact with those who have compromised health and poor immunity if we have ANY concern that we might be ill.

Please use the links below for further information related to influenza and Norovirus:

Geri Hamel RN PHN, Rehoboth


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