February 14, 2025

Seekonk Troop 1 And Troop 9 Scouts Are Staying Active In The New Year


The holidays, cold weather, and New Year didn't slow down Seekonk's Scouts. In January, Seekonk's Troop 1 and Troop 9 Scouts participated in their most recent camping trip. Troop 1 and Troop 9 scouts held their second cold weather camping trip of the season at Camp Norse in Kingston, Massachusetts. The January trip involved two nights in Camp Norse's cabins. During the weekend trip the scouts practiced outdoor skills, completed a cold weather hike, worked on rank advancement, and enjoyed other fun outdoor activities.

Additionally, Seekonk Scouts continue to attend regular Tuesday evening meetings. During the meetings scouts plan and coordinate future trips and activities, practice scouting skills such as knot tying, and complete rank and merit badge requirements. This month, the scouts were joined by several new members. The new scouts had the opportunity to begin their scouting journey with their first scout camping trip.

This month, one scout achieved the rank of Eagle. The Eagle Scout rank is the highest rank a scout can achieve is only attained by approximatley 5% of all scouts.

For more information about Seekonk Scouts contact troop1seekonkma@gmail.com  for boys or Troop9SeekonkMA@gmail.com  for girls. Scouts is open to all boys and girls between the ages of 11-17.


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