May 3, 2024

Newman UCC Presents: B90 - Reading the Bible in 90 Days


This summer, Newman Congregational Church, United Church of Christ is inviting those in the wider community to join in reading through the Bible, from cover to cover, in 90 days.

The narrative arc of Scripture is the place we, as followers of Christ, return to time and time again to ground and deepen our faith. Reading the entire Bible in a group will provide us with opportunities to grow deeper in our understanding and relationship with the God we worship.

The B90 program will begin on Sunday, May 30, and continue throughout the summer until late August. Each Sundays within the B90 program, we will focus on a portion of the readings in small group as well as in worship.

Our goal is to have as many participants as possible from within and outside of the Newman UCC faith community.

Reading Group - At the heart of the B90 program is participation in the reading group. Reading the Bible is powerful – participating in the reading group provides an additional opportunity for B90 to be truly transformative. You are strongly encouraged to make a commitment to be part of the group for the summer. Remember – this is just for 90 days (12 weeks).

The reading group will be meeting online using the Zoom platform during the Eduction Hour on Sunday mornings (9am).

For more information and to register to participate, visit the B90 page of our website. 

Newman Congregational Church, United Church of Christ is located at 100 Newman Avenue, Rumford, RI 02916. For more information, contact Rev. Timoth Sylvia at 401-434-4742.


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