May 2, 2024

Letter To the Seekonk Board of Selectmen & Town Administration:


Please consider the effects of continuing to borrow money without setting a percentage of outstanding debt balances.

The articles asking for, yet another School project and the Library should NOT go before the need for a DPW Facility, first. Do we need a new Library? Yes, we do but not a 19 million dollar one. Do we need a sports complex? No but it would be nice to have it. It is just not a priority currently.

Second, telling citizens it will only increase your tax bill by…… per month is not the answer any longer. Per month, per year for the life of all the loans is a long-term affect and it hits our senior population worst. When forecasting projects should not the outstanding balances (plus interest) be a consideration? The public does not even know about the interest amounts.

It is understood that the Town needs to carry some debt balances for favorable credit ratings and bond standings. What happens when all these families buying new homes cannot afford them any longer? Or what happens when families move here for employment purposes and not longevity? A 12-year education service to those families does not even last the life of one loan. Who is left to pay “everything” off? The PERMANENT resident. The Lifers, all on fixed incomes. How is this fair?

You are the Executive Board. Please start making decisions based on the need for the entire town and not just one or two segments of it. Everyone knows the Library and the School Department carry votes but the people who are permanent residents here are the most loyal because they continue to pay the bills. They are not here for any other purpose but living out their lives. Do not make them choose between possessing their homes and foreclosure.

Before you vote in favor of anything, think long term and the financial survival of the ENTIRE Town. Hold Elected Officials accountable to us, the Voters.

Doreen Taylor
Seekonk, MA


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