September 11, 2024

Rehoboth Senior Citizens Club News


Our Annual Fall Bazaar was a success! The rain held off and the temperature hovered around 60°, thankfully. Many, many "Thanks" to our Chairperson, Jane Williams, and her crew for all the behind-the-scenes "legwork” and setting up and breaking down for the day!!!

At our October 21st monthly meeting, we discussed the pros and cons of the Bazaar, began plans for the 2024 Bazaar, the trip we have planned for the spring, the 50th Club anniversary and our membership drive. We also shared with everyone how thrilled the Food Pantry was when Jane Williams dropped off our donation. Below is a picture of Jane presenting our check to Paula Fernandes.

We want to remind members of our Christmas Party at Davenports, East Providence, on Wednesday, December 20th. Make sure to sign up with either me or Jane by December 13th so we can give the count to the restaurant. Have questions??? Call me (508-252-6281) or speak with me at the Senior Center. I am usually there for lunch on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Our NEXT meeting will be on November 16th at noon in the Arcade building. We ask that you bring your own lunch, however we will provide dessert, and we will have water and soda available for you, as well. There will be a door prize or two, too. Hope you will be feeling lucky.

Stay safe, healthy, and try to get ready for the holidays - they are right around the corner!!! Where DOES the time go???

See you soon,

Donna Howard, President


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