February 14, 2025

Safety Concerns on The Rotary to The Henderson Bridge


To whom it may concern:

I watched anxiously when construction began on the new rotary conduit to the Henderson Bridge connecting East Providence to Providence. As someone who has travelled extensively overseas and who is familiar with rotaries. I find this rotary sadly lacking in safety information directed to drivers. I am referring to drivers who do not understand how rotaries actually work.

In other countries, rotary directions are carefully explained. The most important rule is: " Cars in the rotary have the right of way Always." Drivers approaching the rotary MUST wait their turn to enter. A 'YIELD" sign is insufficient. Driving through this rotary, I have seen drivers confused and actually enter the rotary without looking at cars already in the rotary. This is dangerous and will result in accidents. I believe that many drivers in Rhode Island are not familiar with rotaries, and do not understand the cardinal rule, again I re-iterate: "Cars in the rotary have the right of way." This message must be displayed prominently at all entries to the rotary. I am a concerned citizen.

Joge Tsang


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