May 18, 2024

Ep Kids Rock Chorus Wows Full House at EPHS! 6th Annual Concert.


EP Teachers Nick Hurd & Taylor Temple Keep Kids Rockin and Rolling in Music History

It was only a few short years ago that some administrators in the East Providence School Department hierarchy wanted to eliminate the elementary school chorus program. They thought that students were missing valuable “instruction” time while in music class. The program was on the chopping block. “This thought process was misguided,” said high school history teacher and State Representative Gregg Amore. Amore and many teachers were not happy with the “education reform movement” of leaders like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Arne Duncan (former Secretary of Education) and Deborah Gist (former RI Commissioner of Education) among others. “Thank God the EP School Committee stepped in and saved the day,” said Amore. Amore was referring to the change in school administration and thinking toward programs like elementary chorus. “Responsive school committee members listened to parents and teachers and most importantly, kids and the music program was saved,” Amore added.

Not only did the school committee endorse the elementary chorus, Ward 3 School Committee member Nathan Cahoon served as the concert emcee during the EP Kids Rock Chorus’ 6th annual concert Wednesday evening, June 8th at East Providence High School. The concert was held before a packed house in the large EPHS auditorium.

“Tonight I had the honor of serving as the Master of Ceremonies for the East Providence Kids Rock Chorus Concert at EPHS. As I stood watching our kids engage with the music that forged my own soul, I was struck by the thought that artistic education enjoys such a tenuous existence in public school curricula,” stated Cahoon after the concert. “In this day of data and performance evaluation and PARCC and other such nonsense, we need champions of the arts to reach those parts of the mind that can't be reached through rote instruction or assessment. I want to thank those champions for their stalwart efforts on behalf of our future. Thank you, Taylor Temple and Nick Hurd. The kids stole the show, but they wouldn't have been up there, resonating with the beauty of decades gone by if not for your brilliance,” added Cahoon in support of music teachers Temple and Hurd.

The teachers responsible for the EP Kids Rock Chorus are Taylor Temple and Nick Hurd. They rehearse once a week for 45 minutes with the students. The young teachers work with 4th and 5th graders from Kent Heights, Hennessey and Waddington schools in the city. A few parent volunteers help with logistics on concert night and the show takes on a near professional experience.

The chorus gained regional notoriety when they were invited to perform in a holiday commercial for the Benny’s chain of popular stores. They were an instant television hit and led to Benny’s developing similar promotions including a recent effort to promote Rhode Island. “Our kids at Kent Heights School were invited to film a holiday commercial for Benny’s. It came out great and was a wonderful learning opportunity for the students,” said Temple.

“I don’t have anyone in the chorus but I come every year,” said city resident Elaine Medeiros. “These kids are fantastic. I hope they expand the music program.” The packed house at EPHS on June 8th enjoyed the concert even though the weather reports were ominous. Heavy rain and predicted hail didn’t dampen the crowd at all.

The 1200 seat High School auditorium was filled by showtime and the crowd wasn't disappointed as the famous chorus sang and gyrated to everything from the Beatles 'Hello Goodbye' to David Bowie's 'Starman' to Neil Young's 'Rockin in the Free World'.

Other classics performed were from the Rolling Stones, Lou Reed, Elvis Presley and an audience favorite was the Stones ‘Ruby Tuesday’ and a spirited rendition of The Monkees ‘Not Your Steppingstone.’ Emcee Nathan Cahoon introduced each number with a brief history of the selections. “The students are learning about the history behind all types of music while also performing the songs before a large audience. It’s great,” added cahoon.

Radio station 94 HJY recently commented on the EP Chorus after watching them perform a Bob Marley song on YouTube: “Kids covering Bob Marley is amazing, props to their instructor and they're right here in Rhode Island!”

The popular elementary chorus now enjoys widespread support throughout the community including with the School Committee and current administration.

The chorus has been receiving many positive comments and ‘views’ via social media. You can go to and type in Ep Kids Rock Chorus in the search line. Dozens of Kids Rock performances including the Benny’s ad are available to watch. The group also has an active Facebook page which updates the choir’s activities: Go to ‘Kids Rock Chorus.’


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