East Providence Historical Society News
“2nd Sunday” Fall Open House: September 8 - 1:00- 3:30pm
Exhibit: “The Past Can Guide the Future”
Hikes at Hunt’s: 1:30 at the Gazebo
“Roots” at EPHS: 1-3pm at the Education Center
John Hunt Museum - 65 Hunts Mills Road - 02916
Have you been wanting to catch the fabulous Onna Moniz Black Heritage exhibit or see our latest WW11 acquisition, a 6’ model fighter airplane? The exhibits cover sports, veteran’s affairs, Civil Rights, slavery, and many other issues. You can catch Onna and friends at Hunt House and the Education Center through December on 2nd Sundays. The community garden at Hunt’s has been particularly bountiful this season. There have been vegetables to share - come and see what might be availa-ble. And our great news: the Pump House will soon be another EPHS exhibit space.
Upcoming Event: Monday, September 16, Weaver Library - 6:30pm
Devon Kurtz, Executive Director of the Blackstone Vallet National Heritage Corri-dor
Getting a “Grip” on History - the peoples of the Blackstone Valley and their prod-ucts, such as the monkey wrench, which changed the world
Hunt’s Mills is a family picnic area with walking trails along the 10 Mile River, his-torical buildings, a fish ladder and a community garden in full bloom. Its history is ancient, from Indigenous peoples who fished the falls and planted 3 Sister gardens to the present diverse peoples who honor the memory of all who have lived here. It is a part of the Blackstone Valley National Heritage Corridor
To contact the EPHS: Leave a message at: (401)473-0677 or info@ephist.org
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