September 20, 2024

The Space We Hold


At the DeBlois Gallery April 6th-28th, 2024
Opening Reception Saturday April 6th, 5-7 PM
Gallery Night Thursday April 11th, 5-7 PM

Our April exhibit, The Space We Hold, features the work of sculptor Alexander Perrine, printmaker Valerie Syposz, and multimedia artists Melanie dai Medeiros and Adrienne Wooster. The show’s title, The Space We Hold invokes a space for four artists to showcase works that explore their inner lives in the midst of an ever-changing world.

Melanie dai Medeiros is interested in the residual impact left on a space by
the presence of people, both from the memory of an event and from the physical
evidence left behind. Her art is inspired by our collective impact on the
land and the consequential environmental shifts, intersected with imagery
from daily life.

Through his art, Alex Perrine asks us to consider the following question: “Daily, an American generates almost 4.5 pounds of trash – more than a ton annually. Will all of our trash simply outlast us? Or will it overwhelm the environment and ultimately destroy us?” His project, Bodies of Waste is a series of sculptures using discarded and found objects and based on the human figure. Through his creations, Perrine seeks to encourage the viewer to think about humanity’s effect on the natural world.

Valerie Syposz observes that she has always been inspired to create art from direct observation. For this exhibition, she has developed each image instinctively, first by drawing, cutting, rearranging, and then calling upon instinct throughout the platemaking and printing process. The resulting prints form a series of portraits that reflect on existence and perceptions of self. Her current work is created with lithographic and relief printmaking techniques that allow her to print by hand.

When it comes to art (and life) Adrienne Wooster is both a minimalist and a collector, and collage works well for these dual interests. She likes watching and listening to life, noticing the overlooked corners of each place or person, and piecing things together to make a whole or part of a whole. Fascinated by the concept of integration, both biblically and emotionally, she seeks to “walk alongside instead of run from” the emotions, truths, and demons that haunt us because “these are the very things that make us whole.”

Follow us on social media for specific dates, times, and artists featured in these events.


The DeBlois Gallery is located at 134 Aquidneck Avenue in Middletown and is open 1-5 PM Wednesday through Sunday. All welcome; ample, free parking!

For more information, contact Michael Day,


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