May 4, 2024

Tax Everything


I realize politicians do stupid things especially here in Rhode Island when making laws about what items should and shouldn't be taxed so while watching TV today and found out that tampons and other feminine hygiene products are listed as a luxury item and therefore subject to sales tax I was shocked. Rep. Edith Ajello D- Providence is sponsoring a bill (H 5377) to eliminate this ridiculous tax on this so call "luxury item" I bet you won't find too many woman who think having her period is a luxury. Of course the General Assembly (mostly men) has to have hearings to figure a way to get into the tax payers pocket to make up for lost revenue when this bill passes.

The ironic part is that three days ago on the 6 o'clock TV news was a story that house minority whip Blake A Filippi is putting in a bill to eliminate the sales tax on beer, yes beer, give me a break. So tampons are luxury item and beer is a necessity? Is that about it? Ridiculous to say the least.

Winston S. Churchill said it best:
“We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.”

David Di Saia
179 Warren Ave
East Providence R I 02914


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