May 3, 2024

Setting the Record Straight


Dear Rehoboth Residents,

In a recent letter dated July 10th to the editor from Mr. Michael Deignan, Chair of the Rehoboth Finance Committee, he indicates that "school officials continue to mislead" in relation to the Board of Selectmen and the Finance Committee moving approximately a $900,000 municipality deficit into the school department's budget line item. Mr. Deignan goes further to try to disparage me personally in a very unsettling personal attack. I found this to be extremely unfortunate due to the fact that I have worked with Mr. Deignan collaboratively over the past three years to balance our budget before entering town meeting.

I have simply questioned him on the amount of the override being $2.1 million when the school district was asking for an override of $1.23 million. The difference is approximately $900,000. My point in bringing this up is to make sure voters are aware that the override vote is a vote for both the school district and the town. In retrospect, I did not expect the negativity towards, what I thought, a simple inquiry which has been met with such vitriolic comments and still no plausible explanation.

In summary, I would direct the reader to please look at page 8 of the Town Warrant dated May 14th which clearly indicates, in the words of the Finance Committee, that a deficit was indeed placed upon the school district. Therefore, once again, please support the override with a yes vote for the schools and the town.

Dr. Anthony C. Azar
Proud to be the Superintendent of the
Dighton-Rehoboth Regional School District


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