September 20, 2024

Seekonk Elections


February 25, 2022

Just around the corner the Town of Seekonk will be holding its annual Town Election. April 4, 2022, may sound far away but it will be here before we know it.

It is very exciting to see four new candidates running for two open seats on the School Committee. Congratulations and best of luck to all of them.

Our town government remains ours to control. Whether based on experience, attendance, or participation we as citizens of Seekonk are responsible for the next level of electoral service. Your vote is an important one.

Hopefully you have had opportunities to speak with or interact in some way with our four candidates. The most important question is the one you ask yourself. Are we going to settle for the manner and direction of the current School Committee or are we going to elect people who are interested in parental inclusion, educational material, true open communication with two-way dialogue, fiscal accountability (meaning open budget information to include money movements) and finally following the By-Laws and Home Rule Charter of the Town of Seekonk?

I have been critical of the leadership of the School Committee and their manner of business. I have watched parents being disrespected albeit with a smile but none the less disrespected. This is one thing we cannot blame on COVID and it cannot be masked any longer. This is our School System.

When the school district uses the huge amounts of money contributed by the town, we expect results. Not just building results but real results in accounting for our tax dollars, state aid, federal aid, and debt dollars. Up until now expenditures are completely darkened to taxpayers and this must stop.

For this election I am supporting Andrea Rosseter and Kyle Juckett. Here’s why I believe you should too. Each person possesses a will to open their hearts and ears to not only students but parents too. Each person has a teamwork attitude to work with the other members of the School Committee to open doors to fresh ideas and most important, a partnership with parents to help bring our Administration team to a more approachable level.

Being elected to a School Committee carries a budget beyond belief that we need to know about on a more frequent basis in detail. This is a huge responsibility, but it is long overdue. While we may not be able to direct spending, we have every right to know about it without hesitation or delay. A new School Committee team can do this for us.

This is not about friendships on the Committee. It is about electing people who will stand by their integrity to do the job correctly even if they are alone in their thinking.
Leadership is a quality that someone can possess or obtain through life experiences. It is with this I truly believe in Andrea Rosseter and Kyle Juckett. I am hoping you will join the many that believe the same.

On April 4, 2022, when you cast your vote for School Committee please vote for Andrea Rosseter and Kyle Juckett. Please make the change we need. Thank you

Doreen Taylor
Seekonk MA


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