May 1, 2024

Rehoboth Selectmen Candidates Forum


The four candidates for two open seats on the Board of Selectmen participated in a televised forum at Francis Farm. The Special Town Election will be held on Saturday, June 11 with the polls open from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM.  Also on the ballot is one Stormwater Position (Two-Year Term). Kevin J. Foley, Craig Chapman, Robert E. Johnson, and Leonard Mills, Jr. are running for the seats on the Rehoboth Board of Selectmen.

Mills, a member of the Planning Board and Gravel Committee, pledged to bring “respectability” back to the town’s Highway Department. Dave Perry and Jim Muri resigned from the board last March because of what they considered to be unfair treatment of former Highway Superintendent Michael Costello.

“I wanted to give back to this town,” said Foley, a political newcomer who said he would be a “fresh face” on the board. Foley operates his own construction company in town. He graduated from Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School.

“As a member of the Selectmen, I’m going to be listening to the facts and making decisions based on what is good for the town of Rehoboth,” said Johnson, who serves as Tree Warden and Animal Control Officer.

Chapman, who is employed as a Police Officer for the town of North Attleboro, touted his experience in the United States Army, explaining it would be “an asset” to the board. Selectmen Chairman Skip Vadnais told Chapman his involvement with a Police Union would prevent him from participating in any discussions regarding the Rehoboth Police Department. Vadnais explained the board would be addressing contracts with police union members. “You can’t have it both ways,” Vadnais said to Chapman. “That does not preclude me from participating as a selectman and my duties as a Union official,” Chapman replied. “I have information that’s contrary to that,” Vadnais said. “If you get elected, we’ll have to pursue that further.”

Vadnais also asked Chapman, a former member of the Dighton-Rehoboth Regional School Committee, if he would be willing to pursue the lawsuit the town filed against the school committee in 2021. “As a selectman, I would remain neutral in what’s correct for the town,” Chapman answered.

The candidates were also asked about their views on the possible withdrawal of Kindergarten through Eighth grade from the regional school district.

Chapman said he would like to see a study about the impact on the taxpayers if voters approve the withdrawal at the August 6 special town meeting. Johnson and Foley also wanted to learn about the contents of the study before making a decision. “I want to hear from you, the people, along with the report,” Mills said. “It’s very important to get the report, I’m not dismissing that. What’s important is I’m here, not for what I think, it’s what you want me to be as your representative.”

Mills and Johnson have been endorsed by the town’s Republican Committee. “I think Rob and Len will make excellent Selectmen,” said Selectman Michael Deignan. “Both have a long history of involvement with Rehoboth, know the town and the challenges we have faced. Both have diverse backgrounds and will bring different perspectives to the Board. People in the community know both of these gentlemen extremely well and know they have impeccable credentials and character.”

The town’s Democratic Committee endorsed Chapman. “In today's polarized political climate, Craig knows how to get things done by keeping local politics as it should be, bipartisan,” said chairman Paul Jacques.


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