May 8, 2024

Meaning of Memorial Day


On May 5, 1868, Commander-in-Chief John A. Logan issued General Order #11 that established Memorial Day to remember those who died in service to their Country. This year marks the 150th celebration of Memorial Day and will be held on May 28, 2018. By Act of Congress we celebrate this day on the last Monday in May.

Often the Nation as a whole takes for granted the freedoms that all Americans enjoy today. To many of us, Memorial Day marks the start of summer, Memorial Day sales and a three-day weekend. We must all remember the true meaning of this day and pay tribute to the men and women who have sacrificed their lives to ensure that those freedoms and liberties continue to endure.

Gary Kurpius, a past Commander-in-Chief of the Veterans of Foreign Wars made the statement in one of his speeches that “sacrifice without remembrance is meaningless”. We celebrate Memorial Day to ensure that the sacrifices of those men and women are never forgotten.

It is the responsibility of every Veteran and every American to pass on to our youth the true meaning of Memorial Day. We do this with parades and ceremonies but most importantly by talking to each other and affirming what this day means. Even if you can’t attend these events, I will ask you to spend a few minutes on May 28, 2018 to discuss the meaning of this day with your family and friends.


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