September 20, 2024

EPHS Softball Field to get Scoreboard - State Grant


By Bob Rodericks

East Providence State Senator, William "Bill" Conley has secured a $3,000 state legislative grant to install a new scoreboard at the girls softball field behind East Providence High School.

Last year the Townie softball team, led by fundraising efforts organized by coach Rob Traverse, raised close to $20,000 to refurbish the long neglected softball field at the high school.

Fencing was installed and dugouts were built. The new field was without a scoreboard for its' RI Interscholastic league games however.

"Senator Conley provided us with the funding to help us complete our project. We appreciate his efforts and all of the area legislators who have helped our program," said veteran Townie coach Traverse. The team no longer found it feasible to play at Pierce Field with transportation cuts, etc.


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