May 3, 2024

CARCS is no longer able to meet at the Blanding Library owing to the ballot issue in April


Dear Family, Friends and Citizens of Rehoboth:

I am Alan Dyer of 9 Katherine Rd, and the following does not represent the views, thoughts or concerns of CARCS, they are solely my views, thoughts and concerns.

CARCS is a group of concerned citizens opposed to the building of a proposed natural gas compressor station, by Spectra Energy, on a parcel of land off of Cross Street and at the end of Finnegans Way. The group has been meeting at Goff Hall in the Blanding Library since its inception, to educate the citizens of the potential risk, and environmental hazards associated with the building of this proposed compressor station.For the record CARCS was in no way attempting to influence the vote of elected officials. CARCS is however, working to educate the citizens of Rehoboth about the numerous downsides to the proposed compressor station build and to be thoroughly informed before casting their votes on the compressor station ballot question scheduled for April 3rd, our Town's Voting and Election Day.

The call placed to the Office of Campaign and Political Finance (OCPF) of MA this week, was precipitated by a CARCS volunteer simply asking the library if the group could hold a raffle to help pay for our flyers. Involving the OCPF, led to the very real possibility of CARCS being forced to cease all operations until after the vote, as now that there is a question concerning the compressor station ion the ballot. Moving forward, the CARCS message/ signage/ flyers would be seen as an attempt to affect the outcome of the vote. Therefore, CARCS was told they could no longer use Town Public facilities and strongly recommended CARCS form a BAC (Ballot Action Committee) in order to continue to operate as they did before the complications of the ballot question arose. The catch -22 is, once CARCS forms under a BAC we are precluded from Library use anyway (until after the vote). As a CARCS member, I find the way this was handled very unfortunate. The town could have contacted the group first, to let CARCS know there was potentially a problem- but instead they just picked up the phone to the state. The silver lining to all of this is despite many inconveniences is CARCS has now registered with the town as a Ballot Action Committee (BAC) so that we can continue to work to prevent the proposed compressor station from being built and ask Rehoboth citizens to take specific action on the vote.

The growing opposition to the proposed build of the Spectra Compressor Station (potential toxic waste dump) should concern each and every one of us. Some would think my calling the proposed compressor station a potential toxic waste dump extreme and simply wrong. However, if we use common logic and look at the past history of other Spectra Station Sites, you might tend to agree with me.

Compressor stations are designed to move fracked natural gas through them at high pressure. Fracked gas contains not just methne, but toxic and lethal carcinogens and neurotoxins as, benzene, dimethyldisulfide, ethyl-methylethyl disulfide, trimethyl benzene, diethyl benzene, tetramethyl benzene, carbon disulfide, nephthalenes, methyl pyridine, carbonyl sulfide, toluene among others. These have all been found at air and soil tests near compressor stations. With such carcinogens and neurotoxins being emitted from these station, they simply are toxic waste dumps. And this “dumping” takes place 24/7.

Not only are compressor stations emitting these toxic and lethal carcinogens on a daily basis, there is significant risk of compressor stations suffering catastrophic failure within a ½ mile radius. No less ominous, the toxic plume that results could negatively impact for miles (the distance varies based wind, weather, etc.). Regardless, this constant risk is ever present as is the ever releasing of toxins and lethal carcinogens and neurotoxins into the air we breathe and water we drink.

Yet in spite of these well documented risks and Spectra Energy’s poor track record, in order to get the support of our BOS, a citizens group that is just trying to protect our town, has been made to jump through an endless series of hoops while they sit back and watch. If this compressor station is built our property values will plummet significantly, and those properties near the station will see their insurance rates increase because of increased risk.

We have been told that Spectra Energy Partners want to be “good neighbors”. What about plunking a toxic industrial facility in a residential area, that is completely dependent on well water, sound “neighborly” to you? Let’s ask Salem Township, PA, Burrillville RI, or the other towns where Spectra facilities have failed, as to whether Spectra has been good neighbors. Every one of those citizens will tell you they have not nor will they ever be.

To the Board of Selectmen I say; it is time you took a stand, and stand to protect our community, protect our natural resources; our air, our drinking water, and protect and safe guard our health and wellbeing and say no to Spectra Energy. To the Citizens of Rehoboth, I say this; Ladies and Gentlemen, this is not a done deal, your voice matters and needs to be heard. We need to unite; we need our next BOS meeting with Spectra (2/27), and consider the risks when you go to the voting booth on April 3rdh.

Thank you for your consideration and urgency in this matter.

Alan R. Dyer

9 Katherine Rd

Rehoboth, MA 02769


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