May 6, 2024

2012 Special Education Recognition Awards

Very Special Indeed!


The state of Rhode Island mandates that communities assist parents and children within special needs programs. This is done in part by establishing local advisory committees for Special Education. On May 10th the East Providence Local Advisory Committee for Special Education held its’ fourth annual recognition program. The EP advisory group is made up of parents and staff and according to Chairperson Laurie Brown, “we want to identify and honor those individuals and programs that provide consistent outstanding service to Special Education students, especially in the area of inclusion.” Brown and co-chair Jennifer Enos were event organizers for the 2012 recognition reception held at Martin Middle School. “It is our honor to share these success stories with others and celebrate their commitment to the students of East Providence,” said Brown and Enos in addressing the over 100 people in attendance at the reception. “Through their hard work and dedication, students are provided with opportunities that promote self-determination, independence and meaningful learning.”

David Sienko from the Rhode Island Department of Education welcomed the large crowd. “I’m impressed with East Providence and humbled to be here,” said Sienko. “Tonight is truly a celebration and we should be very proud. For some, there is much emphasis on testing and ‘Race to the Top’, etc. There are budget challenges everywhere and cumbersome education policies. I am glad that tonight we are focusing on grass roots efforts of parents and school staff,” said Sienko. “We must help the community understand that it is not just about academic achievement but also social growth. Both are so important. These kids need to know about post high school opportunities in work and college,” continued Sienko. “I am glad that the graduation rate is up and the dropout rate has declined for special education students.”

The large crowd included Mayor Bruce Rogers, School Committee members Charles Tsonos, Luisa Abbatecola, Steve Furtado and Chrissy Rossi. Senator Frank DeVall (also an award recipient) was present as was elementary principal Nadine Lima and some special education administrators. But it was obvious that the focus of the evening was on the many award recipients for a cross-section of roles and efforts on behalf of ‘their’ students. In speaking about teacher Karen Rebello, an emotional parent told the group that “my son would not be what he is today if not for Karen. She made a non-verbal introverted child - a smiling, math-loving boy who now loves school,” as she tearfully embraced Rebello. Rebello, who was emotionally moved by this parent’s words, told the Reporter after the meeting that “inclusive education is about embracing all students and making a commitment to do whatever it takes for these kids….”

Toward the end of the program the committee gave its’ ‘special community award’ to Katelyn O’Brien, coach of the East Providence JR Townie Challenger Cheer Program. A special video was shown of the cheerleading group accompanied by the song, ‘You’ve Got a Friend.’ “Reaching out and touching so many lives, keeping parents informed, making students feel safe and secure and helping families find food and clothing services…” were just some of the examples of praise heaped upon the award recipients. “I want to thank our entire advisory committee for working so hard every year and for all the dedication shown to our special education and all students,” said Laurie Brown. The 2012 Special Needs award recipients are as follows: Whiteknact School; Kimberly Forrest - Teacher Special Education, Katie Kenahan - Teacher General Education, Riverside Middle School; 6B Full Inclusion Model - Martin Middle School Team: Lian Furtado - Teacher Special Education, Barbara Burns - Teacher General Education, Nicole Cram - Teacher General Education, Marian McMahon - Teacher General Education,Kevin Riley - Teacher General Education and Lynn McCusker - Teacher Assistant. Meagan David - Occupational Therapist, Corey Howland - Social Worker, Orlo Elementary School. Roland Mathieu - Educational Specialist at Whiteknact Elementary School. Also, Senator Frank DeVall for his support of Meadowcrest School. Katelyn O’Brien - Coach East Providence JR Townie Challenger Cheer Program and Ivan Hammond - Owner/Coach Out of Control Allstars - Special Needs.


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