May 3, 2024

Is anyone listening?

Take aways from the Special Town Meeting held on Monday, October 24, 2022.


Because over 600 signatures were collected to support the meeting, it does not mean 600 voters support the project.

To the gentleman who believes the library is an extension of our school district. Please know if the library had the money the school district has which is 10 million-dollars over the state net required, they would have ½ the funding needed for the new library project as presented.

To the lady who said at some point if your car is falling apart, it is time to buy a new one. Keep in mind buying the car is not the problem, paying for it is the problem.

To the gentleman that chastised the Finance Committee. They did their job. Assessing the spending practices of the town is well within their authority. It was great to hear them speak up about the anticipated $24 million asking price and why it is unacceptable as is.

To the gentleman that barked at the Board of Selectmen because one member chose to point out an error in the handout given by the library. Selectman Andrade was right to do so. If the information is incorrect, it should be noted otherwise people would make accusations about “bad” information. Selectman Andrade did his job.

To anyone who verbally abused speakers. You have no right to do so. If someone is not a town meeting regular, they may not understand protocol. Mocking them with insults of being stupid just shows your ignorance not theirs.

Also, I know it is snarkism, but the next time the School Committee argues decorum with parents at their meetings think about the behavior of a few of their relatives in the audience of the town meeting. Practice what you preach as they say.

It should be said (yet again) that the people of Seekonk need to be more involved with what goes on around us. The finances that support our services townwide need to be looked at closely every year. A speaker said we need to invest in our town. That person is correct, but we already have invested in a brand-new Aitken Elementary School, calling it expansion is a joke, Senior Center and plans are in the works for a DPW Headquarters and South End Fire Station.

If you want these things, you must look at how we are spending money now. Creating debt exclusions over and over is adding to your tax bill. While people will say it is only $40 more per month for the next 20 years it does not consider reassessments done on our property or the economy and business expectations. The businesses in Seekonk pay the biggest portion of our tax revenue. Should they fail, what happens to our debt? Taxes almost never go down.

By the way even though the Chairman of the Library Trustees says there is no café planned for the new building he said there will be a gathering space for people to bring in coffee or whatever and allow them to sit and read in café style chairs and tables. If it walks like a duck………QUACK!!

Thank you to those who endured the long evening. The next Town Meeting is November 14, 2022, at the same place, at the same time.

Doreen Taylor


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