September 10, 2024

Hennessey Elementary School News


Hennessey Elementary is so excited to begin a new school year. We have a lot planned for the 2023/2024 school year and it is a great year to be a Hennessey Hero!

Our first school event, our annual Ice Cream Social, was a huge success. We welcomed back our previous heroes and our newest heroes with ice cream, music, and fun activities. A huge shout out to all our community partners for coming to this event, we can’t do what we do without you! So thank you Friends of Hennessey PTA, Boys and Girls Club of East Providence, Hope and Faith Drive, and East Providence Health Equity Zone. We look forward to our next family event, Open House on September 21 and our annual Townie Pride Parade on September 22nd!

We also would like to thank Bridgepointe Christian Church for their continued support for all East Providence elementary students at their Back to School Drive that was held in August. Families look forward to this event every year!

We will be kicking off our core values teaching in the month of September with a focus on kindness and school-wide attendance. We know Hennessey Heroes are Attendance Heroes (HERE, EVERYDAY, READY TO LEARN, ON TIME). We will be discussing these core values at morning meetings, through classroom read alouds and activities, and in the lunchroom.

Hennessey students and staff will continue to work hard each day, showing the importance of our values of being SAFE, RESPECTFUL and PROUD and we look forward to a productive, successful year of teaching and learning!


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